Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Let's talk!

How do new family members develop a family identity and acquire family membership?

I have a dreaded disease! It has caused me a great deal of pain and embarrassment. Not to mention what it has done to others. I think it is fairly common. It is not a respecter of persons, age, or gender. You are asking – What is it? Well, it is motor mouth. I like to talk and talk and talk. So, when I think about relationship development and how new family members find their identity and place in a family – talk is important. Through talk we share and they learn. For that matter they share and we learn. (If I can stop talking.) Does it matter what we talk about? Or does it just matter that we talk?

Communication scholars refer to talk as self-disclosure and define it as “…the process by which one person verbally reveals information about himself or herself (including thoughts, feelings, and experiences) to another person (Derlega, Metts, Petronio, & Margulis, 1993). According to their definition of talk, the content of the conversation does matter, it requires depth. A chat about the weather hardly would classify as self-disclosure. For the rest of this blog I will differentiate between talk and self-disclosure.  Talk is surface speech.  Self-disclosure is in-depth and personal.

leadership conversation 
 The take home message here is that in order to connect on a deeper level in a relationship, we have to self-disclose about ourselves and be willing to reveal personal information. The new family member looking to gain membership in the family must be willing to reveal and family must be willing to reciprocate. Self-disclosure is a major part of our social world and it is the key to relationship development (Dindia, Fitzpatrick, & Kenney).

 I know, I can hear you saying – I am not going to tell a stranger all my secrets. No way!  Of course not right away, but as you talk and begin to understand and trust each other (no more strangers), the discussions will become more personal. Dindia, Fitzpatrick, & Kenney say that your conversations will begin with biographic or demographic information. Such as: Where were you born? Where did you move from? Do you have children?  Where do you work? As the relationship develops, it will move to a more personal tone and the amount of personal self-disclosure will increase. Research has shown that the more your partner reveals to you – the more you reveal in return. It is not just about more revelation, it is about sharing more highly intimate feelings.

But, I have a question for you?  What if you do not like this new family member? Dindia and associates cited several scholars that claim “liking” someone as a basis for disclosing. You are less likely to disclose, or for that matter, even talk to someone you do not like, even if they are new family members. However, their (Dindia, Fitzpatrick, & Kenny) research found that “liking” did not change reciprocity levels in disclosure. They say that self-disclosure is reciprocal.  Individuals will adjust to a partner as the partner adjusts to them. So, even though I do not like my new family member, I will share with them.

Disclosing private family information is key for new family members to transition into the family group (Serewicz, Hosmer, Ballard, Griffin). New family members feel they are granted access and membership to the family through disclosure as family members share family stories and feelings. Serewics and associates identified relevant topics of disclosure in relationship development among family members, most of them being seen as “operating instructions” for gaining membership. The “operating instructions” include: relational trouble, historical identity, and acceptance as a family member.

Relational trouble begins with the disclosure of negative feelings about the new family member or when family members are intrusive. This trouble can be averted by family members disclosing acceptance and sharing positive feelings. It is also important to recognize boundaries. Clearly, self-disclosure is not always positive. The amount and type of information disclosed will have an effect on the way it is received. I think that no disclosure is harmful as well.  As we have already discussed, there is reciprocity with self-disclosure. Therefore, if no self-disclosure exists – there is no relationship development.
Historical identity refers to storytelling and traditions. Disclosing family stories and traditions to new family members gives them the opportunity to develop their own family identity. It also opens up the discussion about their stories and birth family’s traditions. This self-disclosure helps to navigate the blending of cultures.

So, I want to build a strong relationship with a new family member. It is clear that I must be willing to self-disclose (not just talk) with the new member. The relationship will be weak at the beginning, but ties tend to become stronger over time. Research has shown that they will respond by sharing intimate information with me as well. If I want the relationship to be positive, I must be careful about disclosing positive accepting information. Self-disclosure is important for the development of family identity and is a tool that is available to all family members to strengthen family ties. 

A couple of interesting side notes, Dindia and associates found that self-disclosure is not a personality trait and that women do not disclose more than men.

Derelega, V. J., Metts, S., Petronio, S., & Magulis, S. T. (1993). Self-disclosure. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Dindia, K., Fitzpatrick, M. A., & Kenny, D. (1997). Self-disclosure in spouse and stranger interaction – A social relations analysis. Human Communication Research, 23, 388-412.
Serewicz, M. C. M., Hosmer, R., Ballard, R. L., & Griffin, R. A. (2008). Disclosure from in-laws and the quality of in-law and marital relationships. Communication Quarterly, 56, 427-444.


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  3. Hi Theresa! I really like your topic this week. I am new to the field of communications, but I keep having “ah hah” moments in this class. Your blog was a big one for me. It makes sense that people will open up more and more as the relationship progresses and deeper more personal topics are discusses, but the thought I kept having through the whole blog was what about people who over-share? You know, the people who tell you things that you just never wanted to know about anyone in the first place…those people. I have a sister that is kind of like that. The best example I can think of is the time she got up in front of a group of women at church once and started talking about how she was going to try and live her life “straight” and would start by getting rid of all of her adult toys. Well, that sums up what she said—it was more graphic than that, but you get the idea. I’m sure that whole room of women just sat there in shock and awe, I sure would have. How do those people work into this give and take of information? In a more personal one-on-one relationship would their over-sharing inhibit sharing on the part of the other person? Or would it encourage sharing? I love reading you blog and reflecting on my relationships with my family and in-laws. It really brings about some great realizations on my part, so thank you!

  4. Teresa,

    I really like how you open your blog up with introducing the ideas of talk and self-disclosure. You make it easy to understand for people that may not know what it is and made it relevant to their lives. When we were talking last week in our office you mentioned both of these things and how mother-in-law and daughter- in-law relationships (in terms of the relationship identity) are constituted in both talk and self-disclosure. Your definition of talk is surface speech. However, according to social exchange how can that surface speech ever get us to constitute a relationship? I feel that using talk creates a certain knowledge about ourselves and our relationships. That knowledge is also power laden within our relationships. When we talk, what crosses the line for you in terms of creating knowledge. You state, “The new family member looking to gain membership in the family must be willing to reveal and family must be willing to reciprocate. Self-disclosure is a major part of our social world and it is the key to relationship development.” I like this quote and I think that it works for your argument of self-disclosure however I would not forget how important that talk is.

  5. Charlotte,
    Thank you for your thoughts. I really appreciate your question about people who over-share. The idea with self-disclosure is that we share personal intimate information with one other person in a dyadic relationship. If they are mirroring each other in the amount of disclosure, they both will be disclosing intimate details. I think the story about your sister is reflected in some of Petronio's work on boundary management. Part of a relationship understands where the boundaries are, such as: what is appropriate to share, when it is appropriate to share, and realizing that not all information should be shared at all times. Along with these ideas Petronio also talks about boundaries as an indication of who should be involved in the conversations and that sometimes content overruns those boundaries. I did not discuss boundaries in my blog because the two articles I used did not discuss them, but I have read Petronio’s research.
    I would also posit that those who over-share are not really practicing self-disclosure – they are more like someone who has my disease of “motor mouth.” Talking and self-disclosing are different and although we are verbally sharing intimate details with others, we are not really practicing self-disclosure in a relationship. I think the key to remember is that self-disclosure is a dyadic process, something that happens between two people. Thank you so much for your comment. I made me stop and think.

  6. Okay, if I'm getting you right, the main point is, even if you don't like them, disclose to them, yes? On the surface this seems like a straightforward point, but wow there is so much there. One thing I'm pondering is this: if liking leads to disclosure, does disclosure also lead to liking? Or should you just disclose because it's the "right" thing to do? Your blog brings up such a great point, it might be fun to add a little sample dialogue in there to show us how it's done and what kind of impact it can have.

  7. Amanda,
    You are right. Talk is important. It is the beginning and the introduction to a relationship. That talk includes the demographic and geographic information discussed in the blog. I also think talk is important on a day to day basis. I would get weary if I had to self-disclose with every conversation I have. I believe however, that relationships will not grow or evolve if there is no self-disclosure – that the relationship will remain narrow and thin. Not every relationship needs to have that deep and intimate feeling, but I believe when it comes to family membership, that membership will not happen unless there is that self-disclosure. A new family member will not be able to identify with the family without knowing and understanding the history and culture, and this comes through disclosure. As part of the new member’s acceptance, I think they have to share in order to gain trust and common ground with family members. I have seen this in my family as my children have gotten married. When the new member shares intimate details about themselves and in return are interested in the intimate details of the other family member, they are more successful at creating a relationship that (I think) they would call positive.

  8. Hey Great Blog Tereza!

    Hmm Self disclosure? Personally I do not require that in my relationships with people. I find that some people are more open than others but it is by no means a sign of how close or distant we are. As someone who has been described as ‘closed’ I think that a person choosing to be more private is not a negative relationship sign at all. In fact I find it easier and safer to self disclose with other ‘closed’ individuals because this prevents your information from being disclosed elsewhere.

    In the realm of family and the rest, I prefer to start a relationship from where the person meets us and move forward from there. There is rarely any value that events of yester year or decades past add to the present. So rather than discuss the past I prefer to talk about a person’s goals and ambitions for the future.

    Now this might be termed as ‘talking’ from the definition but I find that by talking about the future you get a more complete picture of where a person is currently. This is important in forming relationships as you can at this point discuss how you can help that person meet those goals and deliver some helpful advice.
    Thanks Tereza, your blog has been getting more and more interesting! I will definitely keep an eye on where this goes.

  9. Mwamba,
    I really appreciate your thoughts. I don't think being "closed" means you do not disclose. I just think it means you are more careful. You said that you disclose with people who are "closed" as well. So, I think your personal preferences are directing you to people who are more like you. This seems logical for most of us. It is easier to develop relationships with those who are like us.
    As for the starting point of the relationship - I think that is negotiable. We all start where we are comfortable and ask things that are meaningful to us. I do not think that discussing the future is just "talking" it can be deep and intimate like many other subjects. Thanks for your comments. I always enjoy reading your thoughts.
